What Can Small Businesses Learn from Worzel Gummidge | Atek Accounting

Small businesses can take inspiration from Worzel Gummidge, and here’s how

After taking a break in 1981, Worzel Gummidge, the magical scarecrow with interchangeable heads, came to life again in 2019 through the very talented acting and directing of Mackenzie Crook. The stories tell of a scarecrow who lived in Ten Acre Field and came to life, befriending two children and creating mischief. Worzel had a collection of interchangeable heads – mangelwurzel, turnip, and swede – which he used to suit a particular task or occasion, showcasing the character’s adaptability, much like the versatility required by small businesses in navigating various challenges.

There is a clear correlation between Worzel and the small business owner. The varied roles that a small business owner must handle make it seem as if an interchangeable head would be an ideal solution.

Multifaceted Heads of Small Business Owners:

  • Sales & marketing head:
    • How else would sales come into the business? Without sales and marketing activity, there would eventually be no business.
  • Field expert head:
    • People buy from people; however, if you don’t know your stuff, then how can you gain buyer confidence? In the accounting world, we have to complete CPD (continual progressive development) to make sure we are on top of the ever-changing legislation and tax rules for our clients.
  • Finance head:
    • Cash is king! If you don’t know your numbers, how can you make those all-important decisions?
  • Production head:
    • If your business produces a physical item for sale, you need to keep on top of stock requirements as well as manage the quality control of what is shipped to your customers.

Time to get help

These are only a few different “heads” called upon by one person when starting a business and through the early stages of growth. As the business grows, the needs increase. Problems start when growing small businesses don’t step away and outsource some of these roles. As an accountant, I support the need to preserve cash to reinvest in the business – but not letting go can also have a negative impact. Holding on too tightly could not only stall the potential of a fantastic business, but it may actually reverse growth.

My business is my baby

Let’s not forget that businesses are generally founded on passions. Whether that passion is to enable someone to bring a hobby into their work life or to deliver a business that offers a better service than its competitors, the small business owner has created their “baby”, and letting go of that can be very hard.

A solution is out there

Outsourcing the areas that are not your area of expertise and/or those that are zapping your time away from actually growing your business is a good way to add expert heads to your business and cover departmental tasks. At Atek Accounting, we are here to help alleviate some of the strain. Our team is highly experienced with helping businesses with all aspects of their finance function, from day-to-day tasks to fully engaging at a strategic level.

Embrace your inner Worzel Gummidge

If you can relate to being a Worzel Gummidge in your business, please feel free to give us a call, and we can arrange a chat over “A cup o’ tea an’ a slice o’ cake, Aunt Sally” 😉

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